Friday, May 29, 2009

~ I am happy to be here with you today to share with you a little bit about my background how I have coma about to be a Teacher, Practitioner of Energy Medicine & Intuitive of Subtle Energies. I have felt impressed to share my experience partly because many of my clients have asked me how I happened into this work & partly because I feel impressed to share with those who have not asked & might have had similar experiences that they have not yet identified as part of their own personal growth or awakening process to their individual gifts and might have some confusion about how their process is unfolding for them.

One of my beliefs is that the “piece is a part of the whole” so I have no doubt that there are a number of folks out there that will connect with my story & will benefit from my sharing.

So here we go ~ As a child being raised in a Catholic background my parents used religion & fear as a tool of discipline. If I had done something that aggravated my parents I would be sent to my room to read about the saints and learn how to be a good girl like them. Little did my parents know that I didn’t perceive this as a punishment because I seemed to be fascinated with the spiritual realm as it didn’t really seem separate from my life. I felt more connected to that realm than the one I was in. I would be happy to read about the life of the Saints, Virgin Mary, and spiritual people who seemed to have “extra powers” or a strong connection to “God” or what was good / right always hoping that I could someday have the same extra gifts. Well little did I know that I in fact did come into this life time with “special gifts” and was well on my own adventure of recall of exactly what my particular gifts were and what I would be doing with them.

Of course not everyone was as interested or excited about this as I was. I remember as a young girl I experienced visions and dreams about the “Virgin Mary” and told the parish priest who in turn told my parents who in turn scolded me, told me I did not have that experience that I was a liar and crazy and that I should be tested. Ultimately I was then punished again how by…reading more spiritual books! Wow and they called me crazy!

Later as a teen I was attracted to art, music, meditation basically any study that would draw me inward allowing me to find answers about what I was all about. To that point in my life I had an unexplainable sense of just knowing, deep feeling / compassion / sympathy / empathy / connection to others in unfortunate situations / connection to people going through emotional trauma. Ultimately this led me to consciously ask to learn and know everything there was to learn about anatomy, spirituality, health, psychology, being human etc.

“Ask & you shall receive”, once again I was on my way to learning through the study of manual touch therapy, exercise, yoga, meditation, diet etc. with a newer sense of desire & purpose. This process gave me a deeper knowing obviously of the human anatomy & psyche / mind body connection. It also provided the opportunity where I began to notice I was able to identify the trauma / patterning / characteristics of people & the connection to their pathology through just knowing or feeling their experience. These experiences also allowed me to discover that there was a name for this experience I was clairsentient. Books that I had used as reference had become a 3-D reality for me. Now with these two aspects of myself in place that being claircognizant & clairsentient led me to my wanting more answers about where this gift came from and how to properly use it effectively.

So I then began to look deeper into the metaphysical community to see what answers they had to offer about my “gifts” & began a deeper study of the Human Physicality from another perspective including; Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Psychology, the Spiritual Energy Anatomy, and Universal Structuring, religion via Masters before us such as; Master Jesus, Buddha, Carl Jung,
Barbara Brennan, Caroline Myss, Bernie Siegel, Edgar Cayce, Louse Hay, Marianne Williamson along with following my own individual divine guidance system. Most recently in the past couple of years randomly coming across the experiential teachings of Caroline Cory of the OMnium Foundation "OMnium Method" ™ resonated having the most truth for me. This information seemed to connect all the dots for me so to speak.

By this time having an orientation in allopathic / western medicine my desire to have the scientific / technical information was satisfied as well as learning very specific information / techniques that have allowed me to use my spiritual gifts.

Up to this point I had been successful at identifying the patterning and relationship between physical dysfunction manifested in the human body and its correlation and origination to one’s thoughts, feelings and belief systems. Now with work I had found a successful application of addressing / releasing one’s blocks from the conscious, subconscious and cellular memory which ultimately free up the physical manifestation. Once released one can consciously replace these unsupportive feeling and belief systems with the intent to move forward from dysfunction supporting one’s highest good.

One aspect of this technique I respect is that I am able to honor my gift of being “intuitive” however by offering the client information and by by teaching them how to use their own guidance system to move forward designing their own lives. It is not my intent as a practitioner to give my client a psychic reading rather my role helps them identify old stuck emotions, belief systems and traumas I see while merged with the spirit / soul body.

It is my intent to offer a format helping them recall, identify and consciously choose to release let go and allow the body to reprogram dialogue they are currently repeat to themselves with a new dialogue / belief systems / intent that is more beneficial to their highest good. This is of course their choice they get to choose how, when and if they want to heal.

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