Sunday, August 16, 2009

A Sacred Connection ~ Web Class Description ~

A Sacred Connection Web Class Description ~
Cheryl Lenz Bio ~ 337154 FREE

Judy Sorenson Bio ~

Creating Your Daily Intent ~ 340327

Session 1 ~ 161687 ~ Create Your “Personal Agreement”. ~
This session will help you understand the importance of creating a “Personal Agreement, how to create it, and how your spirit self / sprit family are constantly reminding you of your life agreement through life’s inspirations, dreams, and experiences as well as by your conscious / subconscious asking. This session will help you begin to remember you exactly what you are here to do.

Session 2 ~ 176430 ~ What is this “Neck & Back Pain” about? ~
This session will focus on specific areas in the back / neck area that may be holding onto old traumas both emotional and physical. Through this meditation you will transmute issues such as physical neck and back pain, feelings and beliefs including not being supported in your material life and being disconnected from “Divine Source”.

Session 3 ~ 196969 ~ “Heart Aches” ~
This session will allow you to merge with the different chambers of your physical heart allowing you to observe and assess the subtle energies in each chamber. You will be able to identify the specific emotions and beliefs that may be causing your heart distress. You will have the opportunity to clear, release, forgive, and create new agreements with your heart creating an environment for healing.

Session 4 ~ 294273 ~ “Let Your Lungs Breathe”! ~
The lungs have an enormous responsibility that takes place effortlessly unless otherwise interrupted by disharmony in any of the body’s functions including the thought process.
In this session we will focus on repressed thoughts, feelings, and emotional traumas that have potential to create / form dysfunction or disease.

Session 5 ~ 321633 ~ “Menopause Gracefully”~
This session will help you to recall past unresolved issues that have come up for resolution and healing during this stage of your life. Yes I absolutely believe that we can free ourselves from the issues, emotions, untrue beliefs, and behaviors of our past that weren’t resolved during puberty and early adulthood. Experiences with issues such as body image, worthiness, self doubt, self judgment, relationships, balance of family, career fulfillment, and fear of aging all can be identified, released, forgiven, transmuted and healed completely. Allow yourself to replace the “old stuff” with new intents, agreements, and belief systems that will be more supportive at this new stage of life. Your choice!

Session 6 ~ 305861 ~ “Breast Issues” ~
Please know that compromise in breast tissue health is not just specific to woman. There are many men diagnosed with breast cancer, melanoma, and other disorders. Also take note that these compromises are not limited to woman or men who have children. This session focuses on those who are in a caregiver position.
The nurturing role can be enormously fulfilling and can also contribute to a feeling or belief system of martyrdom. The energy of giving and nurturing others unconditionally draws on different systems and organs. Ultimately this energy needs to be replenished regularly otherwise it leads to health problems in those same organs.

Session ~ 7 321585 ~ Clear the Clutter “Lymphatic System” ~
This session will release congestion collected in the Lymphatic System.
We will focus on specific areas of the physical lymphatic system; Right / Left Axilla / Arm pit & Right / Left Inguinal / Groin areas to identify and release feelings and beliefs of anger, regret about relationships with self, intimate partner, and replace them with a new intent, agreement, and belief system that states “I AM” “worthy” and “deserving”.

Session 8 ~ “Spleen Issues” ~
This session will address obsessive feelings of fear, worry, that you are being overwhelmed, and the belief, that you don’t have the inner tools, strength or integrity to move forward creating your life, hopes, and dreams. Create a new agreement with yourself that will allow you to connect deeply with your internal rhythm that will replenish your energy reserves focus on opportunities that will bring joy to your life.

Session 9 ~ Lighten up Your “Liver Issues” ~
This session will release repressed anger resulting in subconscious depression, fears of expressing yourself to others, and letting go of unaddressed emotions. Transmute these feelings choosing to live your life without holding resentment of how others live their life.

Session 10 ~ “Attracting Your Soul Mate” ~

Session 11 ~ “Attracting the Frequency of Joy” ~

Session 12 ~ “Financial Prosperity” ~

The Call number and Access Code will be sent to you upon receipt of your payment.

The focus and intent of these classes is to help those looking for support along their path of awakening through deep soul journey using the “OMnium Method” ™.
It is our intent to allow you through your own personal experience to observe and assess subtle energies of information you request of your guidance system, help you discern “Truth” by connecting you to your “Divine Lineage”, maintain your alignment with the Divine, be more specific in your “Manifestation Formula” allowing you to move forward effortlessly as you design your life. This work will be focus on releasing those specific thoughts, emotions, and unsupportive belief systems on an individual and collective level.

1 comment:

  1. I came across your blog because of your references to stage of life moments. I just wanted to let you know I enjoyed it - your services seem to be something needed in a world of over-medicated people.

    Feel free to visit our site. We're always looking for more people to participate in the conversation and share wisdom and advice with the world.

