Sunday, June 28, 2009

New Session Format ~ New Referral Incentive

~ NEW Session Option Available ~
Question & Answer “Mini Session”
~ Ask a question about an issue presenting a current block in your life
~ One question ~ $55
~ Two Questions ~$75

~ As teachers and practitioners of "The New Energy Medicine" our focus is to teach one how to look within and retrieve answers from their own individual guidance system.We realize that there are times when obstacles such as; fear, confusion, anxiety, doubt, ego and judgment may occur that consciously or subconsciously will prevent one from having the quality and clarity of guidance needed.

~ Each practitioner offers an abbreviated question and answer format that will guide you in identifying the root cause of your current obstacle and allow you the freedom to then choose and create your desired outcome from the world of probability.

~ Individual pricing is available for each practitioner on the Payment page. To schedule a question/answer mini session, please refer to the Contact page. ~ Please note the prerequisite to schedule a mini session is that you must have had an initial one-hour private session with either practitioner.

~ To Schedule a Private Session Contact ~
~ NEW Referral Incentive ~
~ In the spirit of Gratitude for those referring two booking clients to your practitioner in the next three months, you will receive one half hour session at no charge from your practitioner~

"Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting."~ Author Unknown ~

~ How the healing process works ~
In order for a person to heal from an infection you need to change the environment in which the pathogen exists. By giving the patient a specific antibiotic spectrum it changes the environment. By identifying and addressing the precise pathogen which is releasing the cellular debris, it allows the cells the opportunity to realign with their original blue print and thereby heal the existing condition.
Likewise your energetic field works the same way. If you continue to hold onto the old traumas, hurtful feelings, and belief systems that no longer serve your current life you will manifest disease and dysfunction, whether it be mental, emotional, physical or spiritual.
Along the way holding onto to all of these hurts and traumas causes us to develop what we refer to as byproduct material that literally acts as glue holding the original traumas in place. This byproduct forms a type of energetic web which takes up physical form in your etheric layers and remains there. By the time dis-ease has manifested, you are hardly able to remember or identify the original hurtful event. You are then at the cross roads deciding if you are ready to shed all the layers of the "onion peel" and begin the process of healing.
On the contrary, if you identify and then release these emotions and belief systems, you can effortlessly begin to create what you desire resulting in love, peace, joy and happiness, etc. You get to choose how you want your life to play out and reclaim being the master of your own destiny. Allow us to assist you in this empowering healing process.

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