A Sacred Connection ™
Let us be your Source of Enlightenment ~
Most Frequently asked questions about the practitioners & the OMnium Method ™ answered by Cheryl & Judy as follows ~
1.) What is your background?
My back ground and what I have brought with me in this particular life expression
is ability to “feel and know” deeply and anchor / deliver love, compassion, joy
and truth through just living / being. As a young child I always felt connected to
these first principles and later through life experience I discovered these “gifts” to
be called or identified as “clairsentience” and “claircognizance” which simply
means “clear feeling and knowing”. Later, my life lessons attracted me to the
medical profession where in this environment I discovered that just by “feeling
symtoms” and “knowing” I was able to identify thoughts, emotional traumas /
belief systems that were associated with the physical pathology. Wanting to know
what to do with the information I received led me to the study and application of
“Energy Medicine”.
2.) Do you combine different modalities to create the services you offer? If so, what are they? This is a good question, one lesson I have learned through life experience is the importance of being specific. As a teacher and practitioner of the OMnium Method ™ I stress the importance of identifying / establishing through individual experience first your Individual Divine Lineage / “Connection to Source”, connection to spirit self / guidance system which ultimately allows the client to identify and trust their own gifts. This in turn allows them to design, create, integrate and apply the “manifestation formula” (which simply is; Thought + Desire + Belief System + Surrender / Trust = Manifestation) helping them design and live their lives and fulfilling their life purpose joyfully and effortlessly according to their free will.
Also by simply tapping into the frequency of the Divine allows me to merge with the truthful information held within the spirit / soul body which is powerful healing tool / energy available to all of us. While merged with the spirit essence we are able to identify, release, and transmute unconscious / unsupportive emotions, and belief systems from the conscious, subconscious and cellular memory past, present and future. With the “organic” / “internal” use of light / sound therapy and setting a new intent allowing cellular reprogramming in the highest alignment with Source Energy and the client’s original blueprint.
3) What kind of issues/problems do you address/help people with? If there are many, discuss just the main issues. Over the years I have worked with people experiencing concerns, issues, consisting of emotional, spiritual and physical traumas. Common denominators of our current pathologies prevalent in our society today such as Auto Immune Diseases, Cancer, Cardiac etc. I have found to be; feelings and beliefs of unworthiness, lack of self love, feeling abandoned, alone and unloved by God /Divine, guidance system, immediate family and loved ones. In my experience holding this kind of deep seeded thought, emotional congestion, and untrue belief systems will contribute to the manifestation of physical unbalance and disease in the body.
4) Who/what is your idea of a perfect client? I / we are happy to work with people who are seriously looking for support in their awakening process. People, who are willing to do the work it takes, accept the responsibility / accountability involved and realizes the potential for the healing that takes place not only on an individual basis but also on a global level. People who understand the importance that using specific and conscious intent create the potential to help propel Humanity forward.
5) What are your visions for your future? Further studies, writing/ speaking, etc. My visions for the future include continuing teaching this work both individually and group settings, and offering private sessions. Currently I have a book in the works about the power of intent and practical application of the creating a personal agreement and manifestation formula. Both Judy & I are putting together speaking engagements for next year. We both will continue to offer supportive Tel~Classes and you can visit our web site for a current schedule.
~ Bio ~
Cheryl P. Lenz ~ Teacher, Practitioner & Intuitive of Subtle Energies ~
Cheryl Lenz has been on a path of spiritual evolvement all her life. Having an orientation in both Allopathic & Holistic Complimentary Medicine she has worked for over 20 years in both a clinical and private practice setting as a medical massage therapist. In her pursuit of the truth she was led to the study of Energy Medicine which has allowed her to explore her gifts of “clairsentience”, “claircognizant” and has allowed her to develop and use this intuitive aspect of self.
Private Sessions with Cheryl ~ As a practitioner of the OMnium Method ™ sessions include; Intuitive Coaching, Guidance, Energy Field clearing, releasing, transmuting of unsupportive thoughts, feelings and belief systems that create unconscious blocks preventing you from moving forward living your life and fulfilling your purpose. With the use of Specific Dialogue, Light / Sound Therapy, Sacred Geometry, Deep Cellular Reprogramming of thoughts and belief systems, setting new intents and agreements, allows you to reestablish your link with Divine Source / spirit essence. All techniques are “Organic” in nature and are performed without the use of external tools.
Please visit our web site for up coming classes and events ~ www.ASacredConnection.com
To Schedule a private session contact Cheryl ~
Email ~ cheryllenz@ascredconnetion.com ~ Web site ~ www.Asacredconnection.com
Blog ~ http://cherylplenz-asacredconnection.blogspot.com
By Phone ~ (561) 596-5328
A Sacred Connection ™
Let us be your Source of Enlightenment ~
Judy Sorenson ~
Bio ~ Judy Sorenson is an Intuitive Consultant & Metaphysical Healer with a focus on Energy Medicine. At the age of four, she could acknowledge beings, places and events past this 3-D realm and developed an effortless and powerful connection with the spirit world. Today, she uses those abilities of psychic vision and perception to uncover information not readily available to the lay person. This has proven helpful to her clients in their decision-making processes. Judy is a graduate of the Omnium Foundation’s Master’s & Advanced programs in Self-Realization & Energy Medicine. While Judy practices in Florida, her abilities are not limited by geographical location.
1) What is your background? I was born with a gift to see and as a child, was able to communicate with a realm past this 3-D reality. In just being who I am at all times, I was able to predict future events, know what people were feeling and thinking, communicate with loved ones that had passed over, and heal at a very young age. I consider my life as “normal” however I just so happen to have been blessed with extraordinary gifts as a metaphysical healer, intuitive, clairaudient, and clairsentient.
2) Do you combine different modalities to create the services you offer? If so, what are they? In preparation for this new age, I teach the innate and simple practice of connecting to Source using the OMnium Method TM, reestablishing that powerful link to Divine Creator and thus awakening to the individual’s divine blueprint in this Universe. I teach how to trust your inner vision; that there is where the Divine sits and communicates with the individual directly and without interference.
I use no props in my practice and simply tap into the frequency of the Divine which is and of itself, the most powerful healing energy available. What is so gratifying is that we ALL have the birthright to access this energy; and we have just forgotten how to do it. I offer Intuitive Guidance & Coaching as well as Energy Field Clearing; Reversal of Unconscious Blocks; Light / Sound Therapy; Remote Healing; Belief System Reprogramming; Body Scanning; Trauma / Phobia Release; and Emotional Balancing.
3) What kind of issues/problems do you address/help people with? If there are many, discuss just the main issues. In my practice, I have tuned in on and worked with clients on a variety of questions pertaining to life circumstances and change. My goal is to offer scenarios (answers) according to the client’s own world of probability while at the same time respecting their individual guidance system. As for direct physical healing, I have worked with a multitude of health concerns from cancer to toothaches and find that each case is different. Results will vary according to the intent and desire of the client.
4) Who/what is your idea of a perfect client? My passion is this work, and those individuals that come to me with the desire to learn more; who are seeking answers to improve their lives, whether it be that something needs to change, or that they need a particular healing on some level; those are my perfect clients. My mission in life here is to simply help humanity, and so I appreciate those that are open and trusting to positive transformation.
5) What are your visions for your future? Further studies, writing/ speaking, etc Energy is always in a perpetual state of motion; and with that being said, I will continue to remain in a state of gratefulness for the learning available to me in the form of studies, new classes, and new modalities of healing. I am always open to learn more.
Presently, I am concentrating on my intuitive practice here in Florida while enjoying the celebration of life as a human being rather than a human doing. In the short-term, I am writing a practical guide on healing and on perfecting psychic vision. In the long-term plan I am beginning to plan my calendar for classes and speaking events for 2010.
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